CO2 Plants

Our broad CO2 plant portfolio is geared towards ensuring the perfect fit for individual application requirements. You can rely on our specialists to recommend the configuration that strikes the best balance between your performance requirements and investment constraints.
Client: Vattenfall; CO₂ purification and liquefaction plant; CO₂ and ASU unit

Climate Mitigation in Focus 

Rising environmental and climate mitigation pressures mean that more and more companies are looking for flexible and cost-efficient solutions to improve their carbon footprint. CO2 emitters like power companies want to avoid CO2 emissions. Also in other industries relatively concentrated streams of CO2 occur inevitable. Re-utilization of CO2 is improving the carbon footprint.

Separating and Reusing CO2

One solution is to extract CO2 from off-gas streams that would otherwise be vented to the atmosphere. This is referred to as carbon capture. Once captured, the CO2 can be purified and liquefied in so-called CO2 Processing Units (CPU´s), and then supplied to a huge diversity of applications from horticulture and welding to cryogenic cleaning and carbonated drinks. Carbon recycling not only contributes to climate and environmental protection, it also has the added bonus of low supply costs and immediate availability of the gas. Alternatively, the CO2 can be sequestrated - in other words, stored underground - to mitigate the climate impact of industrial processes that rely on the combustion of fossil fuels.

Typical Sources of CO2-Rich Off-Gas Streams Include

  • Chemical plants (for ammonia and ethanol)
  • Cement works
  • Refineries
  • Hydrogen production
  • Fossil fuel power plants
  • Industries such as iron and steel, pulp and paper, etc.

Here at Linde, we are firmly committed to reducing or managing harmful emissions from industries such as these. Our clean technology portfolio includes innovative ways to reduce CO2 emissions through processes aimed at capturing, purifying and liquefying CO2.

CO₂ sources

Covering the Full Carbon Capture Chain

Building on our long-standing expertise in combustion and carbon recovery technologies, we are actively advancing two strategies to reduce CO2 levels from flue gases:

  • Oxyfuel combustion, combusting the fuel with pure oxygen to create mainly steam and CO2, which can be easily separated from the flue gas
  • Post combustion capture, where the CO2 is removed from flue gas

Partner of Choice for CO2 Purification and Liquefaction

World leader in cryogenic technology, we have designed and supplied the world’s largest CO2 purification and liquefaction plant, delivering the industry’s highest availability levels. Our plants are the solution of choice where performance, quality and reliability are a must. Depending on your needs, we cover the full solution lifecycle - extending from feasibility studies through engineering, supply, construction, construction management and commissioning.

Complementing our customized offering, we deliver a range of modular plants. These are designed to maximize cost efficiencies, reduce risks and accelerate time to solution through standardization and pre-testing, while still giving you the flexibility you need to adapt to variations in feed gas sources. Design highlights include a compact footprint and ease of maintenance.

The Capacity and Purity You Want

Our broad CO2 plant portfolio supports on-stream applications requiring gaseous or liquid CO2 with purity levels of up to food grade quality. Capacities start from 100 metric tonnes per day for modularized units with a single train. Customized solutions or several modular trains support capacities beyond 360 t/d.

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