Linde Engineering is using e-procurement platforms for supplier collaboration and submission of commercial documents.
Linde Engineering is using electronic auctions wherever appropriate to source products and services from suppliers. eAuctions enable vendors to submit their price offers via a web-based eAuction tool. It is a very effective and transparent means of shortlisting candidates and awarding contracts and purchase orders.
The successful vendor will be selected on the basis of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) as well as commercial and technical conditions defined and negotiated in advance. Vendors will receive individual training on how to use the tool before an eAuction takes place.
Linde Engineering is using e-procurement platforms for supplier collaboration and submission of commercial documents.
The following documents form an integral part of our contracts and purchase orders with suppliers, defining the rules, specifications and standards of every agreement.
Linde Engineering requires that all public mentions first receive approval.
At Linde Engineering, we expect the same level of commitment and conduct from our suppliers that we expect from our employees.
Our suppliers play a major role in ensuring our efficiency and continued success.
Linde works with suppliers in more than one hundred countries.