Butadiene Extraction

Butadiene is a high-value chemical originating from the steam cracking process. This monomer is an important building block used in polymers, paper coating and synthetic rubber for tire production. The recovery of butadiene can be readily integrated into the downstream C4 processing stage of a steam cracker. Tailored to project-specific and local needs, it thus becomes an integral part of the overall petrochemical complex design.

Maximizing Yield with ENEOS
Through our collaboration with ENEOS, we offer a highly efficient butadiene extraction process. Using a mixture of solvents, it combines excellent 1,3 butadiene yields and product purities with further benefits for outstanding process performance. This process operates at lower temperatures and does not need a compressor, simplifying operation. In addition, it produces no solid waste.
- Highest process reliability with no popcorn formation
- Reduced complexity for ease of maintenance and operation
- Lower OPEX than other extraction processes thanks to reduced power drain and lower solvent costs
- Enhanced environmental performance with no solid waste and service-quality effluent water
- Improved safety with less harmful solvents
As the qualified and preferred bidding contractor for ENEOS butadiene, we offer tailored solutions extending from licensing and process design packages to further engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services as required by the client. Our large in-house pool of ENEOS butadiene process technology experts and engineering professionals possess thorough knowledge of this process. This affords customers the unique benefit of a single point of contact for all plant engineering solutions.

Benchmark Purity with BASF
BASF’s process technology uses the NMP (N-methylpyrrolidone) solvent to recover high-purity butadiene. Proven in years of continuous on-stream operations, it is a highly innovative, non-corrosive process producing substantially less residue, minimum waste water and very few impurities. This translates into low disposal and maintenance costs.
- Reliability
- Stability
- Flexibility
- Efficiency
- High yields and purity
- Low investment costs
- Low operating costs
We offer this technology on a modular basis to suit individual needs, from licensing, basic design and engineering packages (BDEP) to full engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services. We also offer complementary services such as process optimization for interoperability, safety studies, health protection, pre-commissioning, commissioning, start-up supervision, on-site training and emergency response. This modular offering gives our customers the ultimate in flexibility, enabling them to choose the building blocks that suit application-specific needs and business priorities.