Successful execution of more than 3,000 ASUs around the globe - including some of the world’s largest and most challenging multi-train plants.
Our aluminum plate-fin heat exchangers (PFHEs) are key components in many process plants. Their compact footprint helps save space and costs in a wide range of facilities, including air separation plants, petrochemical and gas treatment plants as well as natural gas and helium liquefaction plants.
Our PFHEs are brazed in vacuum furnaces without using flux. This means that all cores are delivered completely free from corrosive residue and post-brazing cleaning steps are not required.
Linde Engineering is also one of the founding members of the Aluminum Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Manufacturers Association (ALPEMA).
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Successful execution of more than 3,000 ASUs around the globe - including some of the world’s largest and most challenging multi-train plants.
Supporting the transition to cleaner sources of energy with natural gas and LNG technologies while also contributing to the sustainability performance of petrochemical plants.
Based on our world-leading technologies, our experts have already delivered over 1,000 CWHEs tailored to the exact heat transfer needs.
Fine-tune your operations with the help of automation solutions as well as remote real-time diagnostics for maximum efficiency gains.